hairy toad lily plant from the top

Hairy Toad Lily (Trycyrtis hirta)

Have you seen this plant before? The Hairy Toad Lily is a very rare to see introduced plant in the United States. It’s native to Japan and found now in North America. This beautiful plant from the Liliaceae family, blooms flowers in late summer to early fall, lasting for about three weeks (you can read more here).

They are called toad lilies because of the spotting like a toad, the flowers have warty, sack-like bumps at the base of the flowers that appear “toadyish” to some. The bumps are nectaries where the nectar is stored.

This are incredible unique plants, excellent to use as an accent or border plants so they can be appreciated up close. Gardeners also work with this lily to complement other shade-loving plants, such as ferns and astilbe.

I don’t use writing too much about introduced-ornamental plants, but this one captures my heart. I found a very similarity to the tropical Passifloras flowers, the pattern, colorations, and shape mostly.

¿Haz visto esta planta antes? Esta es una planta introducida en los Estados Unidos muy rara de observar. Es nativa de Japón, y ahora se utiliza como ornamental en norteamérica. Esta hermosa planta de la familia de las liliáceas, florece a finales del verano hasta principios del otoño, con una duración de unas tres semanas (puedes leer más aquí).

No suelo escribir mucho sobre plantas ornamentales introducidas, pero esta definitivamente capturó mi corazón. Encontré mucha similitud con las flores tropicales Passifloras, el patrón, la coloración y la forma principalmente.

Feature photo: Krystal Zuniga

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