Lantana camara
- krystal zuniga
- 0
- on Mar 20, 2022
Lantana camara is a native plant of Costa Rica with great pubescence, both in its stems and in the leaves, which have a strong odor. These bushes and their flowers are important to butterflies and pollination, as well as for their larval stage. The fruits are used for birds, which disperse their seeds and collaborate with ecological restoration.
Cinco Negritos (Lantana camara) es una planta nativa de Costa Rica. Sus hojas son opuestas con gran pubescencia tanto en sus tallos, como en los hojas, las cuales tienen fuerte olor. Estos arbustos son esenciales, ya que sus flores son importantes para las mariposas y polinización, como para su estado de larva. Por su parte, los frutos son utilizados para las aves, las cuales dispersan sus semillas y colaboran con la restauración ecológica.
Family: Verbenaceae
Leaves: Opposite with great pubescence and strong odor
Height: 3mtrs
Seeds: dispersed by birds
Fruit: the flowers transform into small dark green capsules to purple.
Ethnobotany: —
Ecology: Pollinate by butterflies. Birds disperse their fruits, collaborating with seed dispersal and ecological restoration
Conservation Status: —
Distribution: 0-700 m.a.s.l
Maintenance: Low
Light: —
References: —
Photography and edition: Krystal Zuniga