pinyon mouse

The Beautiful Pinyon Mouse: A Small Resident of the Western United States and Mexico

Do you think they are sweet? Because we fell totally in love with this friend. This Pinyon Mouse (Peromyscus truei) is a small and incredibly agile rodent, and has been know to swim across small bodies of water.

Where are they distributed?

They are native to the pinyon-juniper woodlands of the western United States and México. Pinyon mice are excellent climbers and are often found in trees, shrubs, and rocky slopes. I found this friend on my exchange trip to Las Vegas at the Timber Creek Campground in Ely, Nevada. The place has an incredible landscape for wildlife, you can reserve a camp site here.

timber creek campground mountains in ely nevada
Timber Creek Campground. Ely, Nevada.
Photo: Krystal Zuniga.

How do Pinyon Mouse look?

These mice are typically brown or grey, with white undersides, large rounded ears, and long, thin tails. Though they are small-medium size (171-231 mm long and 15-50 grams in weight), these mice are well-adapted to their environment and play a crucial role in the health and well-being of their habitat.

pinyon mouse
Pinyon Mouse
Photo: Krystal Zuniga

What do Pinyon Mouse eat?

Compared to other species of Peromyscus, the Pinyon Mouse has a more specialist diet, in which they need a larger range of space to search for food. Additionally, they play a crucial role in the seed dispersal of Pinyon and Juniper seeds in their habitat, as well as other kinds of fruits and berries. This benefits the pinyon and juniper pine trees, as it allows them to regenerate and spread in new areas.
In some Native American cultures, pinyon mice were traditionally hunted and eaten as a source of food.

Author: Krystal Zuniga
Date: September 1st, 2022
Photography: Krystal Zuniga

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